Poster Story

Posters have been used throughout history for educating people
Before coming to the University I had never really thought about homosexuality; my husband, growing up in Wyoming, is quite familiar with negative attitudes (not just from a religious perspective) towards gays.  Both of us are Christians and find the way gay people are often treated disgusting and wrong.  We have been attending Spectrum (the GBLTQ group on campus) for over three years trying to bridge the gap of these Christians and the LGBTQ communities.  The idea for this body of artwork came from a life drawing of one of my friends.  The drawing of Chaz resembles Jesus on the cross.  The irony of a gay nude model being seen as a Jesus figure was a huge inspiration for creating this body of work.

Not all of my posters relate directly to the GLBTQ community but rather to people, and grace, in general.  Grace is extremely misunderstood in our culture and these posters are meant to show some viewpoints on various issues revolving around the roles that grace needs to be playing in our community.

First Poster>