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Jesus' Story

Historically a man named Jesus changed the status quo, making those in authority mad by not upholding their oppressive rules.  He elevated the social status of women, slaves, and non-Jews.  Jesus healed the sick, blind, and socially rejected.  From a theological and historical viewpoint, grace changed the world.  If people today could understand grace and break out of their negative, non-grace, and even hate cycles, they would make a significant and positive impact on society.  If people with the same goals could get together despite their differences and fight for social change, imagine how much stronger that team would be. 

My Stories

I have been a Christian for several years and have always been heavily invested in social justice issues.  Some of my social justice passions include working with Native Americans, at risk youth and the homeless.  About three years ago, I was able to add the LGBTQ community to this list.  My boyfriend, now husband, wanted to work on his prejudices and dislike towards gay people; he asked me to support him.  I was frustrated with the way Christians in Wyoming and on this campus had been treating gay people so I went to the meeting with him.  We developed many close friends. 

I am not asking you to go to a group and preach to people or even make an effort to interact with specific people groups.  I think that it is more important to pass on the idea of grace.  It is important to have Christians who understand grace in churches to be able to relate to and help people in need.  The church should be the place that sinners go, not the place where the old lady switches places with her husband to get away from the young kid with piercings. 

It is not just those who are not involved in church that need grace.  I have had friends from church come out to me with various struggles and have been able to help them by just listening.  I believe grace is necessary for someone to be able to work through issues with other people.  A major goal of my project will be to introduce and better explain grace to others who will be able to help a friend in a time of need.

My Husband's Story

My husband....

Other Stories

Amazing Grace
Here is the song too - just for fun - my favorite version (if you don't want the talking skip to 2:00 min).  This festivals pit is obviously lame but this band does have decent pits at times.  they play a lot of pub shows.